more real progress
After a bit of a hump in available dev time I'm back to regularly working on this. ive completely missed my spring release time but im back into the swing of things and ive actually got a bit done in a few days;
stuff ive done the past few days:
- modeled some village houses, redid the player model and animated a quick walk cycle. also changed the camera style to follow instead of moving place to place.
- made bomb-able walls. there's currently no cracked wall indicator. also made a bomb-bag equivalent item that enables bombs for players.
- made keys and locked 'doors' they're really just walls with a padlock in front of it. but its functional and uses up a key.
- both bomb and key amounts are saved and persistent. also added ui elements on the players hands to see how many keys/bombs they have.
- the player's damage is now dependent on their sword level. (still need to make the ore pickup and the blacksmith npc.)
- replaced the player's shield square object with the shield mesh on the player. (still need to make the shield on the players back invisible when in use)
- made a demo boss prefab that is now killable and made a gate prefab that opens up when boss is defeated.
- bby bro is now behind demo boss's gate prefab mentioned above so when boss is defeated, gate opens up and player can touch bby bro, which sends player to win screen.
next steps
ive now placed all the prefabs, keys and locks in their place for the demo dungeon. and really, the game is now technically beatable. the player can now walk into the 1st dungeon, where the boss is (wont do much to the player, and there are no enemies in the dungeon) but after defeating the boss, go to the players younger brother and beat the game.
lets keep it goin'
of course i'm still far from finishing, i've planned the next tasks which essentially, is making the the blacksmith npc, about 2-3 enemies and a save spot with some few quality of life changes. after those, and me implementing some commissioned assets, a much more polished demo will be released!
been a long time solo developing this but i want to try hiring around to see if i'm able to collaborate and speed up stuff. anyway until next time!
Get Big Beetle Bro's VR Adventure [Quest Demo]
Big Beetle Bro's VR Adventure [Quest Demo]
3rd person VR adventure game with basic exploration and sword combat.
Status | In development |
Author | lampGuitar |
Genre | Adventure |
Tags | Low-poly, meta-quest, Minimalist, Oculus Quest, Open World, Short, Singleplayer, Third Person, Top Down Adventure, Virtual Reality (VR) |
Languages | English |
More posts
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- picking this up againOct 02, 2024
- smol updateMar 03, 2024
- is alpha now?Jan 19, 2024
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